Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Dropshipland Review — Christmas Bonanza or Season’s Scam?

Christmas is not too far off and this is the busiest time of the year for retailers. Customers are out shopping for gifts, decorations, food, travel equipment, and other products depending on their holiday plans. Obviously, this is the time when the retailers get to make large volume sales.
The wholesalers and distributors are also extending a wide range of products at discount prices to resellers. If you are among the many ecommerce businesses looking to make a substantial profit this season, you are perhaps right in the middle of a flurry of activity. And the most important of these tasks would be to locate the best supplier. 

Your search might have taken you to the Dropshipland website. This Dropshipland review looks at what the buyer can expect from the site — the good, the bad, and the very bad.
As part of their Christmas offerings, Dropshipland has listed products at as much as 70 percent  discount. 

This looks good but you need to stop and consider the pros and cons. 

Delivering on Promises? 

Promises are easy to make. Keeping them is the hard part. Does Dropshipland follow through?  Going by negative Dropshipland reviews and reports of numerous Dropshipland scams, the answer seems to be no. 

Buyers have been constantly complaining about these lookalike set of websites that have very similar deals and use much of the same website design. Dropshipland, according to the numerous Dropshipland scam posters, is one of these copycat sites. These websites seem to lead to the same trail, and this is why buyers are suspicious about this wholesale directory. 

Second, the whole concept of “start making profits today” sounds like a true scam. When wholesale websites make promises like that, alarm bells start ringing. Most of us know how difficult it is to build a successful online retail business. And marketing is usually the hardest part and does require a combination of skill, resources, and luck.
Therefore, you cannot expect to simply go out there and start selling merchandize from Day One. Tempering your expectations and keeping in mind that success is directly proportional to the effort put in will help you avoid disappointment later.
Obviously, in their haste to gain customers, Dropshipland forgets to inform people about these very valuable and basic lessons of e-tailing. The “get rich quick scheme” feel of this  site makes buyers mistrustful.
Middlemen to the Core
Dropshipland admits that they purchase products in bulk and sell them to buyers at slightly higher prices. This is how Dropshipland earns its keep — by deducting commissions from buyer’s share of the profit. And this is exactly how middlemen make a living. 

The problem here is that you, as a buyer, are not really getting products at wholesale prices. You are offering the wholesale price PLUS the Dropshipland fee in order to access the product. Obviously, this is costlier than dealing directly with the distributor, wholesaler, or manufacturer. 

Sold Out 

The reseller’s worst nightmare — telling the customer two days before Christmas that their order cannot be processed because the products are out of stock. And this is often a problem when you depend on sites such as Dropshipland for merchandize. A professional e-tailer should always deal directly with the supplier. This ensures a steady supply of products and reliable shipping.
Considering the various problems inherent to dealing with agents and the many reports of Dropshipland.com scam, the buyer should look for better pickings elsewhere.

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